
We accept returns for sales only. Purchases made from local stores or other websites must be returned to the original point of purchase. If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, you have 30 days from the date of purchase to return the item. The original purchase price, less shipping, will be credited to the card used to make the purchase. Timex does not do exchanges.

US Returns:


Please note, the original purchase amount, less shipping, will be credited to the credit card used to make the purchase.
Please return the watch in the original box with all original packing material, manuals, and any other materials that came with the watch.
For your protection, we recommend you insure your return shipment. We cannot be held responsible for items we do not receive. 
All returns must be in new condition. We cannot issue refunds for watches that show signs of use or that have been modified. Returns after 30 days and worn watches are subject to our standard Warranty Policy. See Warranty Information in product instructions for details.
Timex reserves the right to qualify excessive use for a damaged product.

International Returns:

International returns are subject to Timex prior approval. Our customer services team will provide you with instructions on where returns should be shipped. Please note that you will be responsible for any return shipping fees and original shipping charges.
To begin the international returns process please email within 30 days of original purchase to initiate a return.
The returns fee will be deducted from your return, return fees differ by location. Duty costs are included in our international return label. Returns are credited to the original form of payment, we will provide you with a refund of the original merchandise price and any duties and taxes originally paid on the item in the same currency and using the same exchange rate as your original order, less shipping:

  • Please return the watch in the original box with all original packing material, manuals and any other materials that came with the watch.

  • For your protection, we recommend you insure your return shipment. We cannot be held responsible for items we do not receive.

  • All returns must be in new condition. We cannot issue refunds for watches that show signs of use or that have been modified.

  • Returns after 30 days and worn watches are subject to our standard Warranty Policy. See Warranty Information in product instructions for details. Timex reserves the right to qualify excessive use for a damaged product.